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shut off造句

2024-06-27 02:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Shut off your computer and review your day.关掉电脑,回顾你的一天。

2、I followed him back to a spigot that we had shut off the water to.我跟随他回到一个栓我们有关闭的走开那水到。

3、We can, however, shut off our world.我们能做的,只是停止自己的世界。

4、Now, many autistic children have no language; they're totally shut off from society.许多孤独症儿童未能掌握语言,他们和社会是完全隔绝的。

5、If you smell gas, shut off the main gas valve.如果你闻到煤气味,关闭总阀门。

6、Oxygen flows through the pressure reducing regulator and shut off valve to the masks.氧气通过减压调节器和关断活门流向氧气面罩。

7、Bosnia is shut off from the Adriatic by the mountains.波斯尼亚和亚得里亚海之间有群山相隔。

8、With Solaris, you need to shut off the zone first.在Solaris 上,需要先关闭 zone。

9、It is not right for you to shut off from society.与社会隔离是错误的。

10、I smell gas.Did you shut off the stove?我闻到瓦斯味了。你关掉炉子了吗?

11、Shut off the oil piping steam heat tracing.切断燃油管路的蒸汽伴热。

12、Shut Off Engine Before Refueling.加油前关闭引擎。

13、strode into the living room and shut off the TV set.子,大步走进客厅,关掉了电视机。 死寂。

14、My answer is to shut off the PC and give the child a rake or a broom.我的回答是关掉关掉电脑,并且给孩子一个粑子或者扫把。

15、In addition, barriers can rapidly arise and shut off the trickle.此外,障碍会迅速出现,切断滴流。

16、I shut off the alarm and groped around in the dark until I found my glasses.闹钟一响,我赶紧按住,然后在黑暗中摸索着找到我的眼镜。

17、When doing a long project, a novel, for instance, shut off your internal editor and just write.写长文章的时辰,例如一篇小说,关掉心田的编纂器,写就是了。

18、Raise concerns with the crew if air circulation is shut off for an extended period.如果机舱内空气长时间不流通,可以向机组人员提出你的顾虑。

19、We are really shut off here.我们这里确实是闭塞。

20、If electric wiring is shorting out, shut off the electric current at the main box.如果电线短路,请在主控箱切断电源。

21、In June, Russia briefly shut off oil supplies to Belarus over a price dispute.由于价格争端,6月,俄罗斯暂停了对白俄罗斯的石油供应。

22、Our sump pump shut off and the basement filled with water.我们的抽水泵停了,整个地下室积满了水。

23、His girlfriend left the week before, less than a day after they shut off the electricity.他的女朋友一个星期前离开了,在他们切断电源后不到一天。

24、The State Water Project has shut off all supplies to farmers.州水利工程已经停止了对农场主的所有供应。

25、The repairing of the road shut off the flow of tourists for some time.修路工程使游客的来往中断了一段时间。

26、Shut off power before working and servicing on electrical equipment or circuits.在维修保养电器设备之前,必须先切断电源。

27、shut off to passage or view or hindered from action.切断通道、观点或阻碍行为。

28、The pilot shut off the motors and glided down to the landing field.驾驶员关了发动机,滑行降到机场上。

29、This is beautiful valley, shut off by mountains from the rest of the world.这是一个美丽的山谷,群山环抱,与世隔绝。

30、So often we shut off our sixth sense.我们经常是关闭我们的第六感。

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